
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy fourth of July

Just wanted to wish all my friends and followers a happy, healthy and safe fourth of July.  Remember to use common sense when using fireworks.  The tips of sparklers can be extremely hot and cause serious burns, so supervise the kids.  Most of the time injuries from fireworks are caused by misuse and malfunctions, so be on the alert.

So don't spend your fourth of July in the emergency room and simply use common sense.  Have a wonderful and happy day!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Pop ups, yay or nay

So I have question that I would to pose to you all.  How do you feel about websites with pop-ups? 

I realize that most bloggers put a lot of time and work into their blogs and deserve compensation.  God knows I do.  Honestly though, it is a labor of love and I never expected to be rolling in dough from my blogs. 

Most of the time I’m happy making new friends and receiving comments and suggestions.  And that has happened. 

I have to admit that pop-ups are not one of my favorite things.  It’s right up there with Captcha.  It’s bad enough you have to jump through hoops sometimes just to leave a comment.  What makes it worse is trying to navigate your way through pop up after pop up in order to even read the blog.  Sometimes I just give up and leave.  Remember those little games you had when you were a kid that had a little ball that you had to turn in just the right way to get through the little maze.  It’s kind of like that and I didn’t like those either!

So…I because I don't want to inconvenience my readers, I disabled Captcha and I look over the comments and delete the spam manually.  I also do not have pop-ups.  I’m just happy you’re here and I don’t want to make it hard to navigate the blog to leave a comment. 

To conclude…How do you feel about pop-ups?