
Monday, January 10, 2011

In defense of "Mom Jeans"


I like Mom jeans.  There, I’ve said it.  I like them.  They fit me and they don’t make me feel like I am trying to emulate a 15-year-old. 

If my daughter, who is 20 something hears my declaration she will probably disown me.  When, I ask you, did jeans that fail to show your butt crack become a badge of old fogey-ism? 

Admittedly, I did wear hip-huggers when I was in my teens. Of course my body was nubile and perfect and I weighed about 100 lbs. We are talking a pre-baby body here, after which no amount of Ab-workouts would, well, work out. 

Don’t get me wrong, I am in an ok weight range for my height and I am not obese.  Still those super low-rise jeans just give me the willies.  I mean the zipper can’t be more than a couple of inches, and then there is that amount of me with just no place to go.  And I just hate flab spill.

So give me my Mom jeans with their 6-inch zippers and buttons that actually meet at the waist.  No one will suspect when I put on my sweater or shirt that they rise up a little bit higher than my 20-year-old daughters.  I can keep my mom jeans in the closet (no pun intended) and no one will be the wiser.  And if my daughter does happen to find out my dirty little secret, I will just have to utter those five little, but truthful words…”But I am a MOM.”


  1. Yes please! Nice pre washed blue jeans that fit well and are comfortable...not pre ripped, pre shredded, fake stained, fake wear, fake dirt...

    I love my good old fashioned blue jeans...wear them every day and every where! :0)

  2. Hi Thanks for your comment on my blog, I'm glad to hear I'm not alone on this blogging thin and FB too. Your jeans post cracks me up, I feel the same way and I'm a Grandma! Hugs, Marilou, Come back again for another visit soon!

  3. Ha, ha, ha, funny story of Jeans!:-))

    Ciao Crystal,goodnight!

  4. My dear Crystal, your mom jeans are just what the doctor ordered for good health. Those too tight ones the youngsters wear will cause internal problems if they are not careful. We on the other hand will be in perfect intestinal health. To pass on a funny story about jeans - one afternoon a pair of what seemed to be rather large jeans lay on my bed waiting to be hung in the closet. I ignored them thinking they were my husbands and he'd get to them when he was ready. As the day wore on so did the fact those jeans were still there wear on my nerves. I asked my husband if he would hang them up and he did - IN MY CLOSET!
    They were mine. I could have sworn they were his. Ever notice how big jeans look when lying FLAT on a bed? Oh my!

  5. Comfortable and practical - love my jeans :D and wear them all the time!

  6. Nothing wrong with mom jeans. Wear what makes you comfortable.

  7. This was so funny! Maybe we SHOULD wear the low rise jeans with t-shirts that don't quite cover and let the ol' muffin top hang out! The kids will be screaming for us to wear our "mom" jeans. :)


As always thanks for you comments!