
Friday, March 25, 2011

The spice of life...and Paint Party Friday

They say that variety is the spice of life.  Although this is an adage meant for humans, who’s to say that our four legged friends can’t follow the same rule?  My cat Olivia has a habit of constantly changing her napping areas.  Her pattern works like this…She finds an area that she fancies and sleeps there regularly, whenever she decides it is time for a siesta. After several days in one spot, it is onward to a newer location.  One week it may be her cat bed.  The next week it could be a pillow on the sofa, the week after that the dining room chair is most inviting, and so on until I assume she runs out of spots.

Husband dear thinks it is because no one will be able to find her if she doesn’t want to be found.  Me, I am more inclined to blame it on her sex. After all it is a woman’s prerogative to change her mind…. and change, and change and change…

So for paint part Friday I offer a miniature pencil sketch of Olivia…getting ready for her nap in her current location, of course.


  1. Wonderful cat, Crystal....enjoy your day.

  2. Olivia makes a great subject for your drawing. The colors in her fur are lovely and your sketch is wonderful.

  3. You did an outstanding job on her!

  4. Wow. This is so detailed and realistic. I'm rocking out to your "Blackbird" instrumental right now instead of putting my appreciation of your picture into adequate words, but please know that I really like it...(clicks "publish comment while continuing to sway about and bob head)...

    Happy Paint Party Friday!


  5. We've had many cats in the past. They are all gone now and one lived to be 21 years. You did a really good job with detail on your cat. Very nice. Thanks. Have a great weekend.

  6. So great! Love the sketch. Your cat must be beautiful as conveyed through your sketch. We have a young cat we just love. furry friend are the best. ~Theresa

  7. Great little portrait of a furry friend :D

  8. Beautiful color and detail! I love cats. And you are right about the nap routine. My Isabella does the same thing. You never know where her next nap location will be. :)

  9. Wonderful portrait of your sweet little Olivia.

  10. hee hee hee! we are always changing our minds aren't we??? LOL -
    yes cats do tend to change their sleeping spots. Your cat portrait is sooo very beautiful, as always!.you've captured the resting pose of the cat so have an Olivia...and I have an Olive...:)

  11. This is really wonderful and I love the directions of her fur! Just GREAT! And you really captured a cat's expression!

  12. beautiful...she is gorgeous!! Shine on..I love cats..this was beautiful!

  13. Ahhh...I love cats and you captured a great kitty pose we cat lover's have seen a million times. Great job!

  14. Your drawing is full of life. I can sense Olivia's personality from the pose, and btw, she looks just like my tabby cat, Tabitha Olivia! :)

    Great work! Enjoy the rest of the party!!

  15. I like the movement that has this picture, and beautiful kitten. Saludos desde España

  16. I love your composition in this piece with that soft blue gently surrounding her- like a blanket? And the expression on her face is perfect- like, can you just let me sleep, Mom?
    LOVE this- as one cat lover to another, it's purrrfect ;)

  17. Your pencil sketch is beautiful. I love her coloring!

  18. Fabulous sketch, Crystal! Many a time I have searched high and low behind curtains, on closet shelves, under the sofa to make sure I hadn't lost a cat, LOL! We only have two, but they sure can find hidden sleeping spots, can't they? You can see a picture of one of my lovely black girls on my blog sidebar ;) Kathryn

  19. Olivia sounds very happy and content. Your sketch is absolutely beautiful.

  20. Excellent Crystal! Love the cat ;o) Have a great day!

  21. What a lovely portrait of Olivia! Please tell me about the background music playing on your blog. The Beatles fan in me wants to know.

  22. Oh Wow Crystal! She is so pretty! You did a great job!

    I'm still chuckling about mashed potato sculptures! If only you'd taken photos!

  23. What a gorgeous cat and a fantastic rendering of her. The colours and shading are so realistic. Beautiful. My mum has an expression for people who always change their minds "you'll never die in an asylum" i've no idea how it translates to mean what it means and prob isn't very pc nowadays but seemed appropriate for your wee cat!

  24. Your ACEOs are wonderful (and actually inspired me to try my hand at working small this week) I am even more impressed by your artwork after trying it :)


  25. She is adorable. You are right, it is her perogative as a female ;)

  26. Oh wow, I thought that was a photograph at first glance. Such talent!

  27. Beautiful sketch of Olivia...happy nap!

  28. I thought this was a photo at first! Purrrrfect!

  29. Great job with all the colors in her fur! I want to reach out and pet her :) I wish I had the time to nap in even one place! Cats have a great life...

  30. What a wonderful painting. I love animals and art.

  31. Fantastic job with such detailed work. Wish I could do that! Just wonderful! ;)

  32. Beautiful illustration. I think in your house there are many sites appetizing and the cat wants to enjoy all.

  33. What a lovely cat 'painting'! Great work, Crystal!

    Most of the cats I've known are very good at finding the warmest spots for their naps and that can change from day to day. My daughter brought her aging cat here for Christmas and he immediately found the spot at the top of the stairs where a lot of hot pipes meet and run under the floorboards to the boiler!

  34. WOW, I don't think I have had more than 7 comments on one blog post! I can see why though, this is adorable and so true. Though all of my cats, male and female, do this... I just never thought about it. I like to change my mind too!!! LOL

    Thank you for visiting my blog today, and I must totally agree with what you wrote. Oh, and how about GE not paying any taxes in the USA?

  35. Crystal, I love the painting of Olivia. My cats love have favorite sleeping spots, and then they get tired of them and move on to new ones. I think it's just a cat thing.

  36. You blew me away again!
    All of those stripes...Olivia is so very cute :)

  37. That sketch is beautiful!! I'm so glad I came to visit... I also love the name Olivia.

  38. That's a kitty for you! Beautiful piece of Olivia. :-)

  39. Olivia is my soul sister; I too luv change in some things and I suppose my painting is going to have many changes before it's done....haha. You've captured her beautifully....lovely painting.

    Annabelle >^..^<

  40. You rock the animals! :-) I love it.


As always thanks for you comments!