
Monday, April 1, 2013

No fooling!

Nope it's not an's a flower bud
Yes, it's April fool's day so I am posting some quotes to help you get your day started the right way!

"April 1.  This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four."  ~Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson, 1894

"Let us be thankful for the fools.  But for them the rest of us could not succeed."  ~Mark Twain

"We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance."  ~Japanese Proverb

"The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected."  ~Will Rogers

"I have great faith in fools - self-confidence, my friends call it."  ~Edgar Allan Poe

"The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes."  ~Winston Churchill

There you have it...I thank all my blogging friends for reading my sometimes rambling mess.  I thank you all for commenting and following...NO FOOLING!


  1. That's a good one about getting elected - unfortunately!

  2. Nice to be off my break and visiting my favorites.

    Love the quotes...Your drawing is cool too.

  3. I really like your flower bud. NO foolin'.
    Grandma Nancy Sapp

  4. These quotes are a lot of fun! That flower bud is cool! Thank you Crystal for being you ;o)

  5. Thanks for the quotes, and now it's April!

  6. Fun quotes! It may be a flower bud but it's an alien one.


As always thanks for you comments!