
Monday, August 22, 2011

The infamous sock line and other discomforts

Argyle socks pencil sketch

I just put on a wonderful new top in preparation for a lunch date with my daughter.  After a few minutes I started doing the wiggle.  You know what I’m talking about-- the sticking tag in your back wiggle.  You can’t scratch it because it’s not really itchy, just uncomfortable.  Manufacturers, can you hear me?  Why can’t you use plain ole cotton thread or take a cue from men’s underwear and print the label on?  Why must you insist on using wiry type thread that feels like I am getting unnecessary acupuncture?

So what do I do?  I grab some scissors and cut it out, and now my pretty new top has a hole in the back, because it is practically impossible to get out the offending thread and tag without a consequence.  Thanks a lot!

It reminds me of getting my daughter dressed when she was just a tyke.  Every day, and I mean every day we had a sock war.  Her oh so delicate feet could not tolerate that infamous sock line.  No, I’m not talking about longitude or latitude.  I’m referring to the seam along the toes.  It bothered her to distraction.  As far as I could tell no other kids seemed to mind.

So one day I opened up her sock drawer and to my surprise she had cut the toes off of every single pair.  When I wasn’t looking she had taken my big sewing shears  (hopefully she walked and didn’t run thanks to my mother’s constant warning) and in her juvenile innocence fixed them all.  She happily wore them with the toes sticking out. 

So I went on a quest to find socks with no sock line.  As it turned out, only one store in the whole town sold them.  They were expensive and sometimes out of stock but since I didn’t want my daughter going to school with holey socks or god forbid barefoot, all throughout her early years, I would periodically go to this store and pay a premium price for socks without lines. 

Quite frankly I didn’t get it at the time, I do now!


  1. This is an adorable story, and a wonderful piece of art, Crystal! Thank you for starting my day with a smile~~~

  2. Love your sock story, and I can feel with your daughter - I hate the seams just as much as the labels in sweat shirts etc! Hugs, Valerie

  3. I'm hearing you, Crystal. I hate waistbands.

  4. Love the artwork and story because I can really relate to it. Both my mother and my granddaughter had the same problem with the socks line and with me it's the tags. I swear I'm allergic to them.

  5. thats so sad that she suffered and there are so few out there, my grandson had an allergy to something they sewed tags with,, i love your daughters thinking!

  6. I'm cracking up at your post today. I can' just imagine opening up a drawer and seeing all of those cropped socks. Great painting to go along with your story:) And I've just about had it with underwire bras, ugggghhhh!! But the girls need the support:)

  7. Hi there , what a great story ! I must be a kindred spirit with your daughter as i often wore my socks inside out for the same reason and my husband when we buy new clothes cuts all of the tags and labels of everything so wiggling in our house !


  8. I always wondered why there was a seam in socks! Annoying placement too. :D
    Great story, Crystal and a lovely painting, too!

  9. Cute story and painting! I am just like you...and your daughter! I cut out all my tags from my shirts and I can't stand that sock line either. Although I haven't cut the toes off (why didn't I think of that?)...Yet!

  10. Wonderful post Crystal! And, good for your daughter, being so creative! She must have taken after her mother! Have a great day!

  11. Hi Crystal!!!!!! I love your latest piece!!!!! These socks are amazing! And the story is perfect! Wishing you a great vacation!!!!!!!!!

  12. Hi
    I get holes in my neckline too!!!! so bothersome! I love your socks and the sock story too - my kids hate wearing socks and havent thought about cutting toes yet...they just wear their shoes without socks and well, you know, P U!
    hope you are doing well! HUGS!

  13. I thought it was a photograph! Really neat sketch. Great perspective. TOtally love it.
    I´ve heard several stories about socks. You´d think manufacturers could take a hint from them. :D

  14. Awesome story!! LOVE it!!!
    and that pencil drawing is so good! I thought it was a photo!!!

  15. Cozy sock drawing : ) I always try to pull the sock line to the top of my foot, so I'm not walking on it. But they always move around. And tags in shirts are a pet peeve of mine, too. i have found a few shirts with the tags printed in at Old Navy.


As always thanks for you comments!