Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Doggy Fourth

Jack Russell Terriers are a funny sort of dog.  They bluster and bark and act like they are the size of a St. Bernard.  They run and jump; boy do they run and jump.  They are the doggy version of a type A personality…until it thunderstorms.

I’m not sure about other Jacks out there but, Maddy, my little bullet is deathly afraid of thunderstorms.  And the older she gets the more afraid she becomes.  The cat walks nonchalantly around my shivering Maddy, mocking her.

Living in Virginia it is very common after a hot and humid summer day for an evening thunderstorm.  As soon as the sky turns a bit dark, Maddy has run for cover, patiently waiting it out in the dark of a windowless bathroom.  In her doggy mind she is sure that the storm won’t be able to locate her there.

But that is not the least of it.  Once while she was peacefully sleeping and so darned cute, impulsively, in order to capture the moment I pulled out the only camera within reach, my cell phone.  The flash went off. 

Now, most dogs think their masters are godlike, but my dog actually thinks I can control the weather.  Like the Norse thunder god Thor, Crystal has a magic lightening machine.  And what follows lightening, but thunderstorms?

Whenever someone texts me, and that lightening machine vibrates and lights up, Maddy runs for cover, meaning the nearest dark place she can find. All you see is the back of her, tail tucked, as she makes a beeline to safety.

Now we approach the Fourth of July and even though firecrackers have been illegal in Va. As long as I can remember everyone who lives in my neighborhood has amassed large quantities of the exploding stuff.  And it sounds to a slightly disturbed Jack Russell much like Thunder. 

So while others are eating hot dogs and lighting off fireworks a little terrier I know will be waiting it out under a blanket where the thunder can’t find her.  Until the next time the skies turn dark and I notice a little brown and white blur practically running me over as she seeks out the current hidey-hole.  I cover her with a blanket and she is calm until the next storm… or text.


Gail H. Ragsdale said...

Love it Crystal! You write such wonderful stories.

Anonymous said...

thats so cute it brought tears to my eyes,, we had a little dog that acted the same way,, I love when you said hidy hole,, ,, what a beautiful post,,,so sweet

Valerie-Jael said...

Poor doggy! My dog used to hate fireworks too! Valerie

Crystal Cook said...

What a cute post! It reminded me of a dog I used to have who was the same way. And I love your sketch of you dog!

Lee Pierce said...

Great story, Crystal and lovely fireworks and precious pup pictures!

Ah, the 4th of July - special torture for dogs. No matter the breed, I've never had a dog that didn't run from the noisy celebration. I wonder if noise blocking headphones are an option? My westies would run and then bark til the next explosion - on and on that went until it was over.

Jenn Bower said...

Oh, poor Maddy, but my what a great storyteller you are. My giant Ridgeback hates thunderstorms too although he doesn't run and hide but takes to running from window to window barking and charging and all other kinds of aggressive posturing. Good luck on the 4th.

Magic Love Crow said...

Poor little doggy! Give her big hugs ;o) Take Care and I love the art!!

Netty said...

Beautiful sketch. Annette x

Liz Revit said...

My cats aren't fans of fireworks either. They always look for places to hide.

Love the fireworks painting.

Wanda said...

Oh that's our Molly too. We sedate her a little on 4th of July. Vet gave us a mild pill for her size.

Love your dog sketch...just great. And the fireworks too.

Heather said...

aw.... this post made me smile! DONT TEXT! LOL - poor things dreads the 4th of july. a lot of dogs are like that, my parents dog is a St. Bernard, and she hids under the bed ( or atleast her fead does) he he. thanks for the chuckle. i love that sketch! happy 4th to you!

maddyrose said...

Poor Maddy. I don't believe I've ever owned a dog or cat who liked thunder storms or fireworks. We once lived in central Florida in what the locals called the lightening capital of the world and I would have the kids and animals in my bed with me every time we had an all nighter. Love the story and sketches.

Kat W said...

Oh poor little Maddy! I want to give her a cuddle. I love the sketch you've done - she looks adorable.
Kat X

Leovi said...

Usually almost every dog ​​is terrified of storms and especially the fireworks. On my parents' gets under the bed and not come out. Nice paint.

Gerri Herbst said...

Cute doggie drawing.Thanks so much for your kind words on my painting for PPF. take care, gerri

Anonymous said...

My female chihuahua will take on every dog she sees, but the first thunder clap or heavy rain and she is crawling under the couch. The vet give us doggy valium but it doesn't help.

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