Finished product # 1 |
When someone such as myself paints, there are bound to be accidents. I know I am not alone though. I mean who among us hasn’t had a sip or two from the brush water now and then?
This week I had spent the better part of a day working on a painting of two “paint horses.” As I rose to take a much needed break, my hand brushed against my reference photo and before you can say lickety split…it had landed right on top of my palette. Yes, the full of globs of paint, palette. This time, unlike some of the other fiascos, it landed backside down.
I’m a pro so I worked quickly to survey the situation. No paint was smeared on the painting. I wiped the back of the photo with a wad of paper towels, and I discovered that, yes it was colorful, but no real damage was done.
As I finished wiping, right before my very eyes the accident turned into art. Ah, serendipity we meet again. Try that as you spew dirty brush water all over your work surface!
Sorta finished product #2 |
Please be sure and visit all the other participants this week and enjoy some wonderful art! Thank you Kristin and Eva for all your hard work! TGIF everyone!
your work is so amazing,, I just always am in awe of what you do,, the horses look like photos,happy paint party friday!
I wish I had your talent for painting horses. Mine always look like cartoons while your's are amazingly lifelike. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who sips paint water from time to time. Have a great weekend.
Your spotted ponies are awesome, Crystal.
such very different works. The first one looks so real. Then the abstract is lovely in such a different way.
looks great! Valerie
You just blow my mind with the reality of your horse paintings. Amazing... You "Abstract" art is quite nice too.
That's taking advantage of an accident....
Nice nice work.
your work is incredible! that looks like a photo - it is so realistic! absolutely amazing!
and lucky you to create an abstract painting out of a paint water spill!
There are no such thing as accidents, so they say. I of course would disagree, but in this case it is true!!!
Really great 'lemonade out of lemons' post. I love the traditional quality of the first and happy accident abstract of the second. I so admire those who work in traditional mediums. I am a weenie and can't function with the uncertainties and potential fiasco. Always great to see and read your posts.
Lol! Accidents are the best. :) Both paintings are awesome!
Crystal, as they say, there are no accidents! Everything happens for a reason ;o) Both paintings are terrific ;o)
Beautiful painting! glad your photo wasn't damaged, a lucky accident!
Ahhh, happy accidents! I too have accidents in my studio. Very cool what you ended up with. Your horse paintings are amazing. Happy PPF!! :-)
Beautiful painting of the horses. Don't you just love happy accidents. Happy PPF, Annette
What a beautiful accident! Not only was nothing ruined, but you created another piece of art :)
Your horses are wonderful. The composition and colors are so beautiful!
sip of the brush water - LOL!!!
Your horses are gorgeous and I am really liking the sorta finished piece.
Your PAINT HORSES work is gorgeous!!!! LOVE IT!!! HAPPY PPF!
Beautiful paintings of horses, with beautiful spots. And delicious this abstract than chance would have existed, you've been fabulous, you have to devote more abstract.
awesome horse painting!
Horses are beautiful. Great job.
I love this new piece....what a wonderful painting!!! you are so talented...
Fabulous! Lol at the sip of brush water comment.
I agree the horses look like a photograph so life like.
I think I lost my first comment--am I that out of practice? Anyway, I think happy accidents are the best! I adore all your horse paintings & the scherescnitte (I know I spelled that wrong, but the spell check choices were no better, LOL!) deer is just precious!
Gorgeous accident. Happy PPF. gerri
Happy accidents are the best of all! I laughed at the paint water comment- I've also been guilty of rinsing my brush in my coffee :D
LOVE your horses- painted ponies are one of my faves- they always have such a great personality and you've really captured that here...also your schmear of color accident is fab!
Happy PPF (a day late ;))
Your horses are remarkable, I love them! Glad to say I haven't ever accidently sipped paint water, yuck, but I also never had such a happy accident in the studio. Wonderful surprise. Happy PPF!
Ooooooooooh, your "accident" is gorgeous!!! And your painted horses are amazing! Very wonderful work!!!Deb
Oh, how we love those wonderful accidents turn into beautiful artwork! ;)
Your horses are just awesome. They really are lifelike. Your work always amazes me. I LOVE it. Your abstract is too cool! LOVE those colors. :)
I love paint horses sooo much! And I love happy accidents even better. There's nothing more heartbreaking than a piece ruined by a hapless moment.
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