Thursday, March 29, 2012

Whole, half, or 7/10's?

I’m no math whiz.  In fact I am a typical right brainer.  I admit that I even had to look it up to see which side of the brain governs what mode of thinking.  Right is creative and artistic whereas the left-brain is rational and logical…kinda like Spock in the Star Trek series. 

Why all this talk about ½’s and wholes?  Well today in my local paper there was an article about teacher raises and how since some got raises other jobs face elimination.  The end result is a larger class.  Larger by 7/10’s of a student. 

Now this evokes all sorts of pictures in my right brain method of thinking.  Does the student stand in the hallway and poke his arm and leg in the door?  Since no right-brainer in their right minds would divide a student up into ten pieces, (Other than Pablo Picasso) I am assuming a left brainer came up with it.  Personally when something is above 5/10’s I round up.  So how about saying the class sizes would be increased by one!  Logical? Hmmm-- maybe I’m starting to use my whole brain ya think?


montyandrosie said...

Cripes! You're asking for common sense. That won't do at all. There's not enough of that to go around so it has to be rationed out in fractions... along with the students probably...

Anonymous said...

when it comes to the brain I think its still a mystery to even the scientists, my brain was injured on the left side although I hit my head on the right side, I think sometimes the people that write these articles may have problems theirs as well.Not you though, you make more sense than they do.

Valerie-Jael said...

I think the people who work out those statistics should be fired, wholly and completely! Valerie

Magic Love Crow said...

Crystal, you do make more sense! Thanks for the smile ;o) Have a great day!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I always laughed when I hear the average family has 2.5 kids, seriously?! I have never seen half a kid!

Christine said...

lol, that's crazy, agreed round to nearest whole number!

Rona Gregory said...

Gotta love statistics! Like I remember in the UK the average family had 2.4 children once upon a time, it may have changed now! It's too funny for words, as for who did the math on these I think it was actually a NO brainer LOL!

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

I have no idea how they come up with this stuff! If you ask me they are just trying to confuse everyone.


Betsy Brock said...

I'm terrible at math...always was, so I have no idea. But yeah, I round up!

Janice said...

My thinking, exactly. Round to the nearest whole number.

Donene said...

Yes, you make more sense for sure! Thanks for visiting and your nice comments!

Judy Adamson said...

I suppose if your child was in that class, you might care whether your class had a notional seven tenths of a pupil extra, compared to another school, where the extra might only be three tenths.

Having said that, I believe that far too much attention is given to class sizes. When my older sisters began teaching, they had 60 in their classes. I started out with 39 - they tried to keep it under 40 - and managed very well!

But this story has fired up my Naughty Pencil, with visions of fractions of pupils! :)

Catherine Denton said...

*scratches head* Yeah, I'm with you.
Catherine Denton

Jaime Haney said...

I guess I'm much more morbid than the rest of you. Or at least I'm willing to admit it ;) My mind immediately took the Picasso route. Speaking of Picasso, did you hear there is a movie about him coming out soon? I cannot remember who is playing him.

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