Friday, May 6, 2011

Greeks love a paint party Friday!

It is a little known fact that Greeks, although they can do a lot of things very well, telling time is not one of them. I’m really not being insulting here; it’s simply a fact.  They can tell time, they just don’t. 

Don’t believe me?  Ask a Greek to meet you for dinner at 6.  You will get there at six and you will wait. The Greek will show up at 7. This phenomenon is what, in my family, is always referred to as  “Greek Time.”  I know plenty of Greeks, so I am pretty sure it is not limited to my immediate family. Even Greek travel guides suggest if you receive an invitation to a Greek home that you should arrive 30 minutes late. Don’t worry, you won’t be late!  Don’t look now but you are on Greek Time.

Lighthouse in Crete, pastel

 Being of Greek descent, you would think that I would share this common behavior.  I guess I must have skipped that gene because I am usually on time; quite often I’m a bit early.  Unfortunately, I was the odd man out in the family because every one of my siblings lives and breathes, “Greek Time.”

Maybe it’s just because when Greeks get together they talk, they tell stories, they forget about the time.  Besides, no Greek is ever in a hurry.  You get there when you get there.  Greek thinking can be summed up in two words…Siga siga… literally translated as slowly, slowly, roughly translated as, well, pretty much Greek time.

Not too much creating done this week...but hey cut me a break, I'm on Greek time.

Wanna join the party?  Click on the link...


Heather said...

Good Morning!
I love it! Greek Time...I am going to use that, when my husband shows up late to EVERYTHING! We are always waiting for him...he's too slow! ( he's norwegian, maybe he's really greek!) ha ha ha - as usual i LOVE your post and your artwork!
have a great friday. Hope you are planning something special for yourself on sunday! xo

Lee Pierce said...

One of my daughters must be Greek! :)
Thanks for solving that mystery, Crystal. Great art! (as usual)

Valerie-Jael said...

Know what you mean! GMT probably stands for Greek mean time! Lovely clock, too! Hugs, Valerie

Yvonne said...

OMG the time on your clock is the time I'm posting. Weird huh. Love it and love the stuff about Greek time.

Shayla said...

I just got done with learning so much about Greek art in Art History. There is a lot to learn about the Greeks. But yes, your artwork is AWESOME! I love it. Please do keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I know two Greek couples, and you are totally right on the time and the talking thing! But love 'em anyway. Such great food too! Gyros are my favorite! Love your watercolor of the clock. Happy PPF. :-)

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

SO funny about greek time. :) Love your work!

Marlene said...

Hi, now I know what time my kids are on.

Unknown said...

oh wow!!!! Greek time!!! that is priceless!!! love your piece this week!!!!

Happy PPF!!!

Theresa said...

yes, the mr. is all about Greek time. lol love the clock! Happy PPF! Theresa

Christine said...

nice work this week! i'm always on time. Unless my husband is involved!

Kat W said...

Excellent. lol. I'm half Greek ie. my dad is Greek Cypriot. I wouldn't say I was too bad on time & many of my family are okay. But this post made me laugh because at a recent Greek wedding we couldn't find the church and I was panicking that we would be late. My Aunty (Thea) turned to me and said there was no need to hurry as Greek weddings always ran late and so the wedding we were due to attend was bound to start late. Sure enough when we got to the church the bride and groom from the previous wedding were only just making their grand exit to the excitement of their huge family arranged on the steps below. What was funnier was that my sister who also got lost ran right into the church thinking she was late before realising (after a quick look around) that she had walked in to the previous wedding just finishing. Lol.

Thanks for reminding me of that :-)
Good painting of a clock.

Kat X

Magic Love Crow said...

Very cute and fun Crystal! Excellent Aceo ;o) Take Care ;o)

Lynette said...

I think I wish I were Greek. Nice work!

EVA said...

Lovely time painting!

Yes Greek time - no hurry, no problem! Very relaxed to me but it does take some adapting to when you're used to NAmerican urban busyness!.

Victoria said...

Beautiful! and yay..such a fabulous post...loved hearing your story..I am smiling...thanks for sharing your magic always!

Catherine Denton said...

Then I must be part-Greek. :)
My Blog

Toni said...

That's funny that you call it Greek time, I call it Hawaiian Time, I grew up in Hawaii and back then it didn't bother me when people were late but now it does. All of my friends are on Hawaiian time and it drives me nuts! My BFF was 2 hours late to her own baby shower!

carlarey said...

Love the clock! My grandmother ran on the opposite of Greek time. She showed up at least half an hour early and passed judgement if the hosts for not being ready.

Netty said...

Terrific post and thanks for sharing, it did make me smile. Loving your clock, great piece. Annette x

Unknown said...

I love this painting and the idea of Greek time! We lived in the Caribbean for 7 years and there, it was called "island time" but the exact same concept. In fact it was considered rude if you were on time or heaven forbid, EARLY to anything!
Happy PPF,

ger chouinard said...

this French-Irishwoman is on Greek time too when it comes to me time ... love that little alarm clock. Thx for the visit and have a good weekend!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

A much more stress-free way to live if everyone does it! I stopped wearing a wristwatch about 6 years ago--still I am usually not late for anything.

Melisa said...

I never knew it, but my friend Donna MUST be Greek! I love your alarm clock. :)

Gerri Herbst said...

Fabulous 'Greek" time piece. My best friend must be part Greek.LOL. gerri

Wanda said...

Great story, and love your little clock.

Sometimes I'm punctual to a fault.. Usually the first one at church, a event...Sometime it's good, sometimes its not so good.

GlorV1 said...

Loved your story and that clock I love. I have a clock that is very similar to your painting and when it goes off in the morning, it wakes me up good. Tee Hee. Great work. Have a wonderful weekend.

Heather Foust said...

Love your clock. I must have been Greek in my last life because I am always late! And I am English and German!!!

maddyrose said...

I don't believe my husband was as English as he claimed to be. Our kids must be at least half Greek as they're always on Greek time. The only time my daughter was ever early was when she was born. She's been late for everything ever since.

Unknown said...

Have a beautiful weekend my friend, Hugs and Blessings to you, Marilou

Jenny said...

heehee, what a wonderful insight into another world :) LOVE that concept of "slowly slowly Greek time"...we are all way too much in a hurry these days. Love your alarm clock too. Thanks for sharing and making me smile :)x

Abela said...

That clock looks set to ring at any time ... Look at the Greeks are very similar to Spanish, "time is relative." Saludos

Theresa Plas said...

Great Post Ms. art2cee2! I know a few Italians who must be on Greek time too!

Ileana said...

Lovely work...the clock is beautifully made!

I'm Cuban and we have such a thing as "Cuban time," similar to "Greek time," but I usually stick to "American time," and arrive five minutes early. :)

Kat Sloma said...

I think Greek time is even later than Italian time. The further south you go in Italy, the later it gets too. How wonderful to read your post just after getting back from Greece. We loved it!

Lovely clock, too!

Anonymous said...

Love the "slowly" saying. That's a life style I could get used to : )

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

I hadn´t heard the expression "Greek time" but know the concept well. :D Here the wedding invites state half an hour earlier than the actual ceremony because guests arrive late.
Lovely lighthouse.

Leovi said...

A nice watch and I have been pretty light.

Hybrid J said...

Just simply wonderful and amusing! Nice work! :)

Mary Hysong said...

How funny! Around here we call it Mexican time, cuz, you know, everything is 'manyana' (not spelled right, means in the morning) Love your lighthouse! Happy PPF!

SHERI COOK said...

Love your little clock! Belated HAPPY PPF to you!

Kristin Dudish said...

Well, it looks like I've arrived to your wonderful post on "Greek Time"! hee hee (I love it - I always get such a kick out of visiting you!)


Christine said...

Hey Crystal! I meant to mention on your recent recipe post that I never knew you were of Greek descent too :-) My dad is from a little island called Karpathos. The time thing is very true! If you want Dad somewhere at 5, you have to tell him to arrive for 4 :-D There really is no rushing Dad, LOL.

Judy Adamson said...

I think there's also 'Man Time' - ie when they are supposed to pick someone up from a train that arrives at 7 pm, they leave the house at 7 pm.

Also 'Builder Time'!

'I'll be with you in 20 minutes - an hour later you're still waiting and you could have gone out to the shops in the meantime.

(I am expecting a plumber at 8.30 am tomorrow morning. Being a Night Owl, I've had to get into training all week to be up and dressed in time for his arrival. Will he turn up at 8.30 am? I very much doubt it!!!)

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