5 x 7 acrylic "sweet" |
I decided about a month ago that it was time for me to lose the baby weight, especially since my baby is well past the drinking age.
I know I shouldn't have let those pounds creep up on me. I was always slim. So since my husband and I are recent empty nesters I felt that now that I wasn’t cooking for a herd anymore, it would be a bit easier to diet.
Oh no, I said that awful word—diet.
Just so you all know I have already lost 12 lbs, and a dress size. I didn’t buy expensive frozen food from TV ads, and I didn’t take diet pills. I did it the old fashioned way. It really wasn’t that much of a sacrifice and I found out that you could lose weight by eating! Yes I really said eating. One shouldn’t define the word, diet as a major sacrifice. A diet should just identify an organisms sustaining food source. For example…a cheetah’s diet consists of antelopes. See, that doesn’t sound like the Cheetah is giving up anything!
A few changes are necessary, I know. I never ate breakfast, since I was never hungry till lunch. So I started forcing myself to eat a breakfast even if I wasn’t hungry. I found that if I count calories (sorry there is no easier way) and write down everything I ate in a day, I could see there were several things that should be limited for the time being.
Did I really need a pound of butter on my toast? Did I really need two slices of toast or would one be sufficient? Do I really need high fat dressing on my salad?
I discovered that I liked the taste of food without the little extras. Salads tasted better without drowning them in dressing, croutons and bacon bits. I also found that fruit was a great substitute for dessert. I will never totally give up chocolate but I didn’t have to. Special K makes a cereal that has chocolate pieces right in the box. And it was really satisfying.
I amped up the exercise. Just walking the dog is a wonderful way to stop and smell the roses as well as dropping a few calories from lunch. The key I found is to do something you enjoy! Cheetahs happen to like running at 70 MPH and I’ve never seen a fat cheetah, have you?
I learned that a binge was no reason to get discouraged because tomorrow is another day and everyone needs to let loose once in a while.
I still would like to lose 20 more pounds till I lose the rest of the baby weight, so I intend to keep up my no sacrifice regimen. Pretty soon I will be looking as fit and svelte as ….yup you guessed it, a cheetah!
Be sure to check out all the great artwork by the super talented artists at paint party friday! That's where I am headed!! J
Be sure to check out all the great artwork by the super talented artists at paint party friday! That's where I am headed!! J
Lovely cheetah! Congrats on your weight loss, and good luck for the next 20 lbs! Have a great weekend, Valerie
that's great news! good for you! I like buttered toast, too! hee!!!
good luck - keep up the good work!! I am proud of you.
Love the art for today, too!
good for you,, thats great and 12 pounds is alot when you try to pick it up,, I also love your sweet treat painting as well,
YAY! Congrats and keep on! Great grapes - I love fruit for dessert. (especially in berry season)
Congrats on the weight loss. 12 pounds is more than 1/3 of your goal. Love the painting of the grapes. Fruit is such a good choice right now when so much is in season.
Congratulations to you! Losing weight is no easy task. I'm on that track as well...
Your painting IS sweet! Those grapes look as if you could pick them off the canvas and start eating them. Wonderful work!
Yeah! And congratulations. I love that you shared this. I am doing the same thing and using MyFitnessPal to track my calories and exercise. Like you I am so amazed that I can eat and not feel deprived. It was a mind blowing revelation to see all the 'hidden' calories. This is so inspiring, Crystal. You go girl!
Wonderful juicy grapes piece....what is this...12 lbs. out there on the loose...yikes,,,I hope they don´t find me,,,,good for you for dropping them!!!
Crystal, good for you on losing weight the old fashioned way via better food choices and exercise.
Have you tried Zumba? It's a great workout, and it's fun.
Enjoy your weekend.
Well done you - what an achievement. I'm trying to drop a few stubborn pounds too but they aren't keen on leaving!
I'm with you on this journey! Hail to grapes and other natural sweets!
nice sketch of the healthy grapes. congrats on the weight loss, I'd love to lose even 2 pounds and I'm careful with what I eat.
Terrific painting and congratulations on your weight loss. I am trying to use my grandbaby weight at the moment and with ten of them thats not easy..........Happy PPF, Annette x
Taking off unwanted pounds is always hard, but it looks like you have a great plan working. Congratulations on 12 lbs. Amazing that it can take a dress size down..
I do love my butter and cream. I'm working on losing some pounds too, so you are an encouragement to me.
You are on your way, miss Cheetah girl! I love your painting of the grapes too- they look delish!
Happy PPF,
Crystal, good for you! I am proud of you! I know how it is to lose weight, I have lost 80 pounds and I still have more to go. I have done the same as you! When I reach my goal, I will have a blog party! LOL! Love the painting ;o)
First..the grapes look lucious!
Second.. I went for my annual physical this week. I was high fived and congratulated for losing 13 lbs since my previous visit a year before. She asked me how I did it.
I told the doctor that the reason I was focused on the weight was because she mentioned it to me at the prior year's visit..I told her that I was recording all my intake and was super calorie and carb aware. I didn't follow a plan...and didn't buy the fancy food or programs either. Just totally aware at all times.. and you know what she said?
That is the BEST way to do it. So congrats to you too...keep it up!
Congrats! Good for you! I agree and never felt that a rigid diet or a "professional" program would be helpful. Once you go off the program, the weight returns. I am trying to do it the same way as you--yes it is hard but with all the work I am doing in the house, I've lost 6 lbs. already!
Well done, Crystal - I too am trying to lose some extra lbs that are sitting around my waist these days. And I'm doing more or less the same as you. It'll probably take a bit longer but I think that's the best way.
One thing I've learnt over the years, originally from Susie Orbach's book (Fat is a Feminist Issue) is not to ban any foods because you'll just crave them all the more. Allow yourself the occasional 'treat', which is more or less what you've said, isn't it?
My difficulty is too much sitting at the computer and so little time to exercise, which is what has loaded on the 'spare tyre' in the first place!
Oh, the dreaded "d" word! But you are so right about dieting. I wish you luck! I have been doing well, right up until summer started. Now I think I need to get back into a routine so I can stop this snacking thing!
Congrats on the results of your new eating lifestyle. My husband and I are doing the same thing. We count calories and exercise everyday! It WORKS! Love the artwork this week. HAPPY PPF!
Congrats on the weight loss. You made it sound easy. The grape look yummy and now I want some fruit. I have a big golden melon in the fridge getting cold.
Congrats on the weight loss. You made it sound easy. The grape look yummy and now I want some fruit. I have a big golden melon in the fridge getting cold.
What a great post, I love that you call it you baby weight, you have my kind of humor! I think I need to loose my Grandbabies weight, does that count, I watched her Mommy push! I'm working on the weight thingy too. 4 lbs so far, well that is a start! Hugs and thanks for stopping by, I'm going to follow if I haven't all ready as you are TTMF. Hugs Marilou
Congratulations on your weight loss! Love your humor in this post! Great acrylic, and thanks for sharing all your tips! Happy ppf!
Hugs Giggles
You're so smart and funny =) The diet you described is very successful..as evidenced by your dropping one dress size. Congrats!!! I agree with you that although we may have gotten used to all those "little extras"...its only habit. The body does crave fresh, real...and yes, unbuttered LOL ...food.
At this point in my life, I'm happy to let go of old ways and simplify! So happy you are achieving your goals of health and fitness =)
Also, here's a link to the Glassline paints that I'm using on my fused glass pendants...http://www.delphiglass.com/enamels-paints/glassline-pens-chalks/?source=google&gclid=CK3R-MafhqoCFRBT7AodmSKTyw
Happy PPF, Kathryn
Great post! I love your attitude about it all.
Your sweet painting is really lovely, too.
Best of luck with your cheetah diet! :)
Happy PPF!
Cheetahs are quite talented as well...nice lights and shadows on your still life! I'm not heavy but I'll think twice about how much butter and salad dressing I use after reading this. Thanks for sharing your story.
Beautiful grapes! And CONGRATULATIONS! You are doing so very well and have a fantastic attitude! Keep it up! I definitely need to join you - thanks for the inspiration, Crystal.
I am actually eating red seedless grapes as I type this... Yours look delicious!
Congratulations - I love your cheetah diet (Unfortunately my "cheetah diet" has only left me with cheesy orange fingers! ha!) Yours sounds much more effective :) Way to go!!!
Your acrylic is gorgeous!!
I almost spit my coffee out with your "baby being over drinking age"!!!!!
You don't sound like you are on a diet at all!! Just being concious of your meals, and food choices! That is just healthy eating, not really dieting!
And no one ever got fat from eating something sweet once in a while. It is when we eat chocolate as one of our meals that it gets bad!! And believe me!! I've done that more than once!!LOL!!
Wonderful painting and congrat of the weight lost! Well Done.
wonderful post today...love the cheetah story. love the grape pic too. Good luck on your quest and congrats on yr progress so far.
I totally agree. This is definitely the healthiest way to do things. :) I'd love to lose some weight, too. Maybe I'll start a regimen like this, this week. Best of luck to you, cheetah lady! <3 And thanks for the beautiful comment and support. :)
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