I think the title says it all. If you are staggering around from a night with little or no sleep and are dying for a cup of Joe, perhaps it a good idea to get someone else to fix it.
My husband usually gets the coffee ready to brew at night before he goes to bed. Then all I have to do it push the button and in a few short minutes, a hot steaming aroma permeates the air and I pour a cup to help grease those rusty wheels.
Once in a while, he forgets or is just too busy. On those mornings any of the following scenarios may result.
1. The coffee can is nearly empty. I realize, too late that I should of bought some the day before. I wet my finger and dip it in the coffee dust at the bottom of the can, and eagerly lick it off. It just doesn’t seem to do the trick. And besides it tastes awful.
2. I manage to get a brew going. After a few minutes I follow the enticing aroma. I discover that I have forgotten to put the carafe on the warmer. I find a mini ocean of the steaming hot liquid encompassing the length of my counter and floor. And there is no quicker picker upper for that mess.
3. I ready everything I think, and after waiting for 20 minutes or so I wonder why I don’t smell the coffee. It’s a fact; coffee needs water, so why didn’t I fill the reservoir?
4. I manage to brew a good pot and after four cups with no effect I realize that I have grabbed the can of de-caf I keep for company by mistake. Note to self: Keep the de-caf in my kitchens equivalent of Siberia.
5. I manage to get a pot brewed and it does the trick but is not very satisfying taste-wise. It is either weak enough to put in a babies bottle or so strong that it makes Starbuck’s seem weak by comparison.
6. And last but not least, I get the coffee ready and I know it will be perfect, but after I wait with patience I do not possess, I find, I forgot to push the on button!
I think it’s time for a coffee break, don’t you?
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Of course I would like to be included!!!
I have been there and done that, to all of the above! Thank God, I am not alone in this world of "coffee oops".
Your painting is so cute! I love paintings with cups of coffee in them~~~
Your painting of coffee is terrific!!!
I make coffee every morning using a french press.
I think we have the same taste, it's always coffee time here! Love the painting, too! Hugs, Valerie
PS Just drunk my paint water again instead of coke, I think it's time for the next coffee!
I too would love to be included!!I was laughing as I read this,, I think this happenes to alot of us,, to funny,, (well actually not if its happening to you,,) hope you had a good cuppa this morning!!
I've done all of the above more than once. I love this little painting. The coffee looks good enough to drink.
I can't remember if I mentioned that I want to be included so I'm going to do so now just to make sure.
Thanks for the mention Crystal! Since I am a tea drinker, my only dilemma in the morning is which kind to have, LOL!
I want to be included too! Coffee, yes I have regularly done it all. Yesterday I ground the coffee and poured it in the well without a filter. Chunky coffee. Then it plugged up the hole and spilled all over the counter. AARRGGHH. I was able to salvage a cup through a tea strainer so I could be conscious enough to try again. Terah
Ha, I do things like that all the time when it comes to coffee making! Love your picture picture painting!
Cute post Crystal! I am not a coffee drinker. I love my tea and water. But, my brother dies without coffee! He goes insane! LOL! Take Care ;o)
I love the coffee. XD I loves it sooo good... And totally sympathize with your mishaps. XD Hate it when those things happen. My fiance got us a fancy French press, but it's just not the same as it is from a machine... maybe it's just my uncouth American tastes, but I looove machine coffee. Some days I wake up so lazy, I just feel like going out for coffee instead of struggling to make it at home. Ever get that? Your husband is so sweet when he sets it up for you so you don't have to worry about it! Maybe I can train my fiance to do that...
What a great drawing! I like the fact that the edge is off-perfect roundness - it sort of shows the desperation felt at lack of coffee ---- Hah! THe coffee travails - even when you do your best, sometimes, to get the thing going, in our house the reservoir tip that delivers the coffee gets mysteriously plugged - in spite of our best attempts at cleaning it btw brewings - and we come back to the kitchen to witness an empty coffee pot and a lake of coffee on the floor - grrrrrr
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