Monday, March 21, 2011



Have you ever wondered why they call the trip we take after we marry a “honeymoon.”  Leave it to me to be the one to ask why.  I guess I was one of those annoying little kids who always asked questions that have parents scratching their heads and mumbling. 

Thank goodness for the Internet, now when my curiosity gets the better of me, I can just search, for anything. I may take a side street here and there, but I always learn something new. 

So this past weekend the moon was supposed to be 30% brighter and 15% larger since it was the closest it has been to earth since 1993.  Did you see it?  I was out there moon gazing and humming a song I must have heard in an old movie.

“Honeymoon, we’ll be shining in June…”

Anyway, when I came inside researched the roots of the term-- Honeymoon.  It turns out that in ancient times the word came about because it was thought that a marriage, is honey (sweet) for the first month…duh-- a lunar cycle. 

How it that for a very negative attitude towards marriage? I have been married for going on 11 years now and it is still as sweet as honey.  Guess I’m just lucky like that!

I also want to thank Christine Bennett of for the beautiful Sch----------  well I still can't say or write the word, but you can see it here.  Thanks Christine, and by the way the card is gorgeous too!!  :-D


Lee Pierce said...

Congrats on your win, Crystal! It's lovely no matter how you say it :D

Heather said...

Congrats on the win and being married 11 years. Yes, we did see the moon - it was definitely a lot brighter even with the big apple not too far off in the distance! really lovely....we woke up to snow this morning though - spring is here....! have a great day crystal

maddyrose said...

I hadn't thought about why it's called a honey moon. Now I know. This is an amazing picture of the moon. I love the lighting in the trees. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Hi the photo and congrats on your win!

Magic Love Crow said...

Congrats on the win! And, interesting about the meaning of honeymoon! And, yes the moon was amazing that night!

Wanda said...

That's very interesting...Don and I will be married 50 years come June24th...and it's still honey sweet.

Christine said...

I'm glad it arrived so quickly for you Crystal!

The honeymoon song is by Al Jolson :-) I listen to a lot of Old Time Radio and hear that one a lot.

It was cloudy here so we missed out on super moon unfortunately. But congrats on 11 years of marriage. That is wonderful :-)

Carol Blackburn said...

Unfortunately I missed seeing the moon but have seen so many beautiful photos of it taken by others.

Leovi said...

Congratulations on this nice photo of the moon and a sweet marriage of many moons. The honey moon with you forever ...

jamberry_song said...

That's interesting, never would have thought of that. Anyway, goes to show people had marital problems even in ancient times. XD As if we didn't know that already, or could have guessed, right? It's good that you're curious! You are always learning new things. :)

Judy Adamson said...

I once saw an ancient movie star (can't remember who he was now!) on a chat show and he was asked what had kept him young. His answer, of course was, 'Curiosity'! Children have it in vast amounts but it often gets squashed out of them so you've done excellently to maintain it, Crystal!

Jenn Bower said...

Congratulations. That is awesome. I love the honey moon and the story behind the label. I can relate to 11 years of wedded bliss but so thrilled that it is still like honey for you.

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